Information for ACSR Competitors

Information for ACSR Competitors

ACSR Competitors are those who have received a skills rating based on their on-line competition progress. You can check your ACSR by visiting the official ACSR website and searching for your name.

If you haven't competed in any ACSR enabled events don't worry, visit our information page for rookie's. We have provided a brief introduction to the Assetto Corsa Skills Rating system there and you can also register your interest in gaining a rating. We regularly run these events to help competitors with a provisional or no rating at all.

If you have already received an ACSR (Assetto Corsa Skill Rating), congratulations, you are well on your way to competing in one of our ACSR Championships.

ACSR Ratings

The ACSR Rating system utilises two metrics to determine the ability of a driver.

  • Skill
  • Safety

ACSR Championships

BLCKBOX Sim-Racing Events can be categorised in the following order;

  1. Provisional

    Provisional events are aimed at competitors that have no rating or have been issued a provisional ACSR rating. Competitors can find their current rating by visiting the ACSR website and searching for their name. Once a competitors have completed 8 provisional championship events they will received a ACSR (Assetto Corsa Skill Rating). The easiest way to get a rating is to visit our rookie's information page.

  2. Rookie/Clubman (Rated E+, Safety Rating does not apply)

    Most competitors will receive a 'B' Rating when they first complete the provisional championships, over time, and due to no fault of your own, your rating may gradually fall, when this happens you will no longer be able to enter certain championships. We class these events as 'Rookie/Clubman Events', rookie events are open to all rated competitors and are the only events you can register for in order to once again improve your ACSR.

  3. Group 'B' / Amateur (Rated B with 0+ Safety Rating)

    'B' Rated Championships are for the amateur competitor. Most competitors start with a 'B' rating and progress from there. BLCKBOX Clubman events are longer in duration and often run with faster more challenging cars and circuits. In order to register for these events the competitor must have an ACSR of 'B' or above and a safety rating of no lower than '0'. Should your safety rating drop below 0 you will no longer be eligable for Group 'B' events and will have to compete in rookie events to build up your safety ratings.

  4. Group 'A' / Pro-Am (Rated A with 1000+ Safety Rating)

    Those competitors who have worked hard at their ASCR will enevitably gain an 'A' rating or higher. Our 'Pro' championship events are aimed at the best of the best. Only competitors who have earned an 'A' skills rating and haveover 1000 safety points will be permitted to enter these events.

  5. Pro (Rated A with 3000+ Safety Rating)

    Those competitors who have worked hard at their ASCR will enevitably gain an 'A' rating or higher. Our 'Pro' championship events are aimed at the best of the best. Only competitors who have earned an 'A' skills rating and haveover 1000 safety points will be permitted to enter these events.

Typical Race Weekend Format

Championship Events will often follow the traditional (Booking, Practice, Qualify, Race) format typical of most esports gaming platforms, however, BLCKBOX also organises more complex events that may involve multiple practice and qualifying rounds followed by a series of race events with reverse grids, splits and multiple competitor classes.

Note To Competitors

Race Weekend Sessions require that the server is stopped between each server session. All drivers have to disconnect from the server after one session has completed, and then connect to the server when the next session has started.

In addition, the BLCKBOX Championships have adopted the Motorsport UK ‘Race ’N’ Respect’ campaign where drivers, teams and supporters are asked to abide by a racing code. The code is based on strong values of respect, fair play, self-control, sincerity and good manners.

Visit our Event Calendar for competition dates and times!

BLCKBOX Sim-Racing Event Details

BLCKBOX Sim-Racing events use a point scoring system based on the 2023 FIA rules. The event timetable and series schedule are loosely based on the actual events.

Position  1st   2nd   3rd   4th   5th   6th   7th   8th   9th   10th   FLQ   FLR 
Points 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 1 1

Penalties are issued for the follwoing infractions;

  1. Jump Start


  2. Collisions

    (Drive-Through after 4 Warnings)

  3. Track Limits

    (5 Seconds Penalty after 4 Warnings)

  4. DRS

    (10 Seconds Penalty after 2 Warnings)

Visit our Event Calendar for competition dates and times!
